Hall of Confucius Studies, Guiyang 贵阳孔学堂, in Huaxi district
see larger image at: http://www.flickr.com/photos/98531730@N02/9617680700/sizes/l/in/photostream/
more photos of the Hall of Confucius Studies in Guiyang at: www.gywb.cn/topic/view/id/78.htm

reference photo: students in Guiyang, late Qing era, photo from http://img1.soufun.com/bbs/2011_12/06/18/guiyang/1323166809645_000.jpg
Coming of age ceremony





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The Workshop of the Council of the Confucius Institute Headquarters Convened in Guiyang
from Hanban, 2013-08-01
Guiyang, July 28th, 2013 – The workshop of the Council of the Confucius Institute Headquarters was convened in Guiyang. Mr. Li Jun, Vice Secretary of the Guizhou CPC Provincial Committee; Mr. Zhao Qizheng, dean of the School of Journalism and Communication at Renmin University of China, the former chief of the State Council Information Office; Madam Xu Lin, Chief Executive of Confucius Institute Headquarters, Director-General of Hanban; Mr. Li Zaiyong, Deputy Secretary of the CPC Guiyang Municipal Committee and Mayor of Guiyang City attended the workshop and delivered speeches.
In his speech, Mr. Li Jun thanked Confucius Institute Headquarters for organizing the workshop in Guiyang. He said that an important reason for holding the workshop in Guiyang was that Guiyang has got the Hall of Confucius Study. The Study is more a school than a “temple”, which mainly serves as a venue for lectures, research, and training. And the purpose of the Hall of Confucius Study is not to restore the ancient ways but to revive and pass on the elements of the outstanding traditional Chinese culture under new historical circumstances, and to help realize the “China Dream”. He hopes friends from various countries often come to Guizhou, offering their care and help to the Hall of Confucius Study in Guiyang, which makes greater contribution in promoting traditional Chinese culture.
Madam Xu Lin pointed out that Confucius Institutes are flourishing and warmly welcomed in various countries, and have been in a new phase of development. Improving the quality of management, upgrading training for local Chinese language teachers, and implementing the Confucius China Study Plan are the basis for the sustainable development of Confucius Institutes, which enables the pursuit of development on a higher level, helps to integrate into foreign universities and local communities, and better serves the demands of the world in learning Chinese language and culture.
During the opening ceremony, Confucius Institute Headquarters (Hanban) and the Guiyang municipal government jointly signed a framework agreement for strategic cooperation.
During the conference, Mr. Zhao Qizheng gave a lecture about the differences and similarities of Chinese and foreign cultures, and the Chinese and foreign discourse systems. Representatives from countries including the U.S., the UK, Germany, Spain, Australia, Kenya, Brazil, and Chile made discussions and exchanged views about how the Confucius Institute can better integrate into foreign universities, better serve the public of various countries, increase its influence, and they offered advice on how the Confucius Institute could maintain a sustainable development as well.
(from english.hanban.org/article/2013-08/01/content_507342.htm )
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University leaders at the Confucius Institute
Overseas university heads tour Guiyang Confucius Institute
By Li Yang and Zeng Jun ( chinadaily.com.cn)
Updated: 2013-08-06
The public lecture provides a platform for communication between scholars and the public. Also, it is part of the cultural development plan of Guiyang,” said Zhao Qizheng, the president of the School of Journalism, Renmin University of China.
University representatives from the US, Great Britain and South Korea watched the Chinese traditional coming-of-age ceremony at the Guiyang Confucius Institute on July 30.
The ceremony has three sections: a capping ceremony, a hair-pinning ceremony and a shooting event. A total of 50 boys and girls dressed in Han costumes participated in the ceremony.
Isaac Mbeche,vice-president of the University of Nairobi, Kenya, said at the event: “The Confucius institute was established in 2005 in Kenya, providing undergraduate and postgraduate education. Students there cannot only learn Chinese but also Confucian culture.”
“The Guiyang Confucius Institute’s architecture is amazing,” said Fred Hillmer, the president of the University of New South Wales, Australia.
Hillmer said: “Learning Chinese has become a fashionable thing in Sydney. There are more than 500 people learning Chinese in our university.”
Seven years ago, the University of Edinburgh established a Confucius Institute. Now, it has more than 2,000 students,said Timothy O’Shea, the president of the University of Edinburgh.
Overseas university heads tour Guiyang Confucius Institute
University leaders at the Confucius Institute
Overseas university heads tour Guiyang Confucius Institute
Coming of age ceremony
(from www.chinadaily.com.cn/m/guizhou/guiyang/2013-08/06/conten… )
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——弘扬传统文化 构筑精神高地
弘扬中华民族优秀传统文化,构筑促进地方经济社会发展的“精神高地”。9月28日,贵阳孔学堂落成暨孔子行教雕塑揭幕仪式在大将山麓、花溪河畔隆重举 行。国务院参事室主任陈进玉讲话并宣布落成,省委常委、市委书记李军为孔学堂管理处授牌并致辞。
中央文史馆副馆长、中国文联副主席冯远,国务院参事、国家汉办主任、孔子学院总部总干事许琳,国务院参事车书剑,省人大常委会副主任顾久,人民出版社 编辑部主任方国根,南京大学中国文化书院常务副院长李承贵,联合国教科文组织文化遗产专员、中国文物技术学会副秘书长杜晓帆,世界遗产基金会中国区经 理李光涵等出席。
市委常委、市委宣传部部长兰义彤主持仪式。省委宣传部、省文明办、省发改委、省旅游局、省教育厅、省文史馆、省建筑设计研究院等省直部门和单位负责人 ,市领导李忠、陈石、王保建、马长青、刘文新、张平、刘俊、朱元俊、帅文、庞鸿、李作勋,以及市人大常委会、市政府、市政协其他领导出席。
孔学堂地处花溪十里河滩国家城市湿地公园中段,背倚大将山,俯瞰花溪河。占地130亩,建筑面积2万多平方米,因袭宏伟、大气的汉唐风格,并融入贵州 地域建筑元素。主要建筑包括大成殿、杏坛、讲堂群、六艺学宫、乡贤祠、阳明祠、奎文阁等,主要功能是讲学、研究、修习,兼具祭祀、礼典、典藏等功能。
在落成暨揭幕仪式上,陈进玉代表国务院参事室、中央文史馆、国家汉办和孔子学院总部,对贵阳孔学堂的落成表示祝贺。他说,贵阳建设孔学堂,是贯彻落实 党的十七届六中全会精神的重要举措,是实现贵州省委、省政府“构筑精神高地,冲出经济洼地”要求的重要助推力,将为全市、全省乃至全国的青少年加强思 想道德教育提供重要基地,为提高本地党政干部的文化素养和“官德”境界提供重要平台。从孔学堂的建设,我们看到了“贵阳速度”,感受到了贵州、贵阳在 西部大开发中正在迅速崛起。
陈进玉表示,国务院参事室及有关机构将在国学进校园、进机关、进企业等方面加大对贵阳市的支持力度,推动世界各地的孔子学院与贵阳孔学堂加强交流。希 望贵阳孔学堂越办越红火,贵州、贵阳经济社会发展更好更快。(讲话全文另发)
李军代表市四大班子向孔学堂的落成表示祝贺。他说,文化是民族的血脉。一个民族要真正强大,必须使本民族的优秀文化延绵不绝、繁荣发展。当前,我们自 身发展状况和面临的外部环境都发生了很大变化,迫切需要建立与市场经济相适应的、根源于本民族传统文化的社会主义精神文明体系。孔子创立的儒家学说是 中华民族传统文化的主脉。贵阳与儒学文化有着很深的渊源,贵阳加快发展既需要高楼大厦,也需要精神文化殿堂。在此时、在此地建设孔学堂,就是贯彻中央 的要求,坚持古为今用,实现弘扬中华民族优秀传统文化与彰显社会主义文明新风的有机结合,构筑“精神高地”,为冲出“经济洼地”提供强大精神力量。
李军强调,孔学堂必须立足贵阳、面向全国、放眼世界,真正成为一个开放的平台。要通过开设国学讲坛,举办学术交流会、研讨会等载体,吸引海内外儒学名 家前来讲学、研究,促进儒学文化的传播与发展,培育广大市民对优秀传统文化的认知与认同,增强民族文化自觉自信。通过坚持不懈的努力,使贵阳孔学堂成 为一个硕儒、名流汇集的地方,成为一个弘扬、研究儒学文化的重要场所。
李军说,在孔学堂建设过程中,得到了各级领导和有关各方的热情关怀和积极帮助。设计单位精心构思,工程建设者高质量、高效率完成建设任务,相关单位全 力配合,民营企业慷慨解囊,广大市民和专家学者踊跃建言。李军代表市四大班子向参与、关心和支持孔学堂建设的各级各方表示衷心感谢。
中国孔子基金会等省内外136家相关机构和组织发来贺信,认为贵阳孔学堂的落成对弘扬中华传统文化、构建社会主义和谐社会、建设中华民族共有精神家园 具有重大意义,必将推动当地经济社会文化全面健康发展。
仪式上,李军向孔学堂管委会主任蒋星恒和孔学堂管理处负责人授牌。出席仪式的领导和嘉宾为高达9.28米的巨型孔子行教雕塑揭幕。仪式前,领导和嘉宾 们兴致勃勃地参观了孔学堂。
(from www.gysdj.gov.cn/dwgk/ShowNews.aspx?NewsID=13332 )
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发布时间:2013-07-31 09:41:03 来源:贵阳晚报 作者:周然 庞博
导读:7月30日,孔子学院总部理事及全球12个国家的大学校长来到贵阳孔学堂参观。来自美、英、韩等12个国家的大学校长,在孔学堂观看了中国的成 人礼仪式:50名身穿汉服的少男少女,在广场上…
中国人民大学新闻学院院长、前国务院新闻办公室主任赵启正参观之后表示,虽然他是第一次来到孔学堂,但这里与他想象中孔子当年的学习环境很吻合。 “举办的公益讲座,既有利于贵阳的文化发展,也给学者提供了一个服务群众的机会。”
来自美、英、韩等12个国家的大学校长,在孔学堂观看了中国的成人礼仪式:50名身穿汉服的少男少女,在广场上按照传统礼仪,进行拜孔圣、三谢礼 等活动。
肯尼亚在2005年就建立了孔子学院,并建立了完善的课程体系,按照本科生、硕士生、博士生分级,学生不但要学习中文,还要学习儒家文化。但比较 起来,贵阳孔学堂更新、更宏大,这里举行的成人礼等活动也十分吸引人。
这可能是我看过的、有史以来最好的孔学建筑,与我所在大学里的孔子学院相比,这里的建筑更恢弘。在悉尼,学中文已成了一件很时尚的事,仅在我的学 校里,就有500多人学习中文。
7年前,爱丁堡大学有了孔子学院,现在已经有超过2000位学生在这里学习中文。早在1852年,英国爱丁堡大学便接收了第一位中国留学生,叫做 王宽(音),希望今后爱丁堡大学孔子学院有机会与贵阳孔学堂开展交流、合作。
贵阳孔学堂非常漂亮、壮观,没想到在山水之间还隐藏了这样一片古色古香的建筑群。古代的孔子一定是在这样的环境下给学生上课的,希望下回还能来贵 阳做客。(周然 庞博)
(from dygz.yxgz.cn/guizhoulvyouzixun/2013/0731/153513.html )
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[poor machine translation:]
Completion of Guiyang first Confucius Classroom Confucius birthday
September 28,2012
WASHINGTON, Guiyang, 28 September (Reporter Wang Chao Anna)
28 September is the 2563-year old Confucius birthday, the first Confucius Classroom in Guiyang Huaxi Wetland Park was completed, the school set ritual, ceremony, classical education, Guoxue Tourism Forum, cultural industries and functions as a ‘public Guiyang friends about literature, reading classic study of Chinese culture, learning, I can appreciate the unique beauty of Huaxi Wetland Park.
The Guiyang Municipal Party Committee Propaganda Department, Deputy Minister, the Confucius Classroom Management Director Hou Nan told reporters Kong Xuetang functional orientation: ‘heritage and carry forward the Confucian Temple, enlightenment and open a new wind-base’ ritual, collection, research, enlightenment , six arts five basic functions, as far as possible, to the civil and moral education, ideological and moral education of minors and the public a wide range of spiritual and cultural needs. Xuetang Kong, to build a platform of Confucian Studies in Guiyang to meet, play features a respected Confucianism to promote the transfer of Chinese cultural exchange the results of the study of Confucianism, the Confucian heritage and dissemination. Worship, rituals, songs, recreation, tourism, culture, economy, and other functions as one of the community projects.
The school building complex covers an area of 130 hectares, with a total construction area of nearly 20,000 square meters. Architectural design for the architectural features of the Han and Tang style. Taken the traditional interpretation of the type system was a vertical and two horizontal triaxial networking ‘trend. vertical axis is the ‘ceremony axis’, a symbol of the core ideas of Confucius’ Rites’ and’ benevolence ‘lattice Stargate, Dacheng Hall, Xingtan building two horizontal axis wind axis row axis’,’ wind axis’ a symbol of enlightenment thought of Confucius , lecture group who teach college Khe Sanh, Six Arts Xue Gong, wave ‘a symbol of wisdom and practice of Confucius, Xiangxian for discussion during the conference and scientists to give lectures and learning base. Temple, Yangming Temple, Cravens Court building for worship Guizhou, the ancient sages and celebrities collections Confucian culture classic.
Today can be the influence of Confucianism worldwide transmission of Chinese and Western cultures, so China. Been a mainstay traditional world Heiner, a respected nation Long to spread Rise of Confucianism traditional Chinese culture, deputy director of the Guizhou Provincial People’s Congress Gu have a positive view of the role of the great powers. (End)
(Original title: Guiyang first Confucius Classroom Confucius birthday completed
(from www.cool-news.us/news-1718211-Completion-of-Guiyang-first… )

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