In February 2014 we plan to take up to 20 students to Denver for about 2 weeks exchange, then some winter sports in Winter Park area in Colorado, finally touring DC and New York. The whole trip will be 3 weeks. Students will stay with their host families for two weeks and attend school activities. We have three private schools to work with: Colorado School of English (focusing on teaching
international students), Colorado International School, and Regis Jesuit School. see www.xingfuxuetang.com/ Also see photos of a student, Diego, from last year’s trip: photo.163.com/bonijiang@gmail.com/train/9000007 Contact: Boni Jiang,135 9519 2840, xuehaiwuya.guiyang@gmail.com ; Katie Scott, katiescott@naturewize.org ;

The Tucker English School is set up in Guiyang China to offer a new way of learning. The Tucker family believes the long term purpose of learning English is to be able to speak and use it, rather than purely to pass exams. The aim is to use original English story books, games, songs, musical plays, different media rather than textbooks to make learning fun, realistic and productive. We aim to raise awareness of English culture by following the major seasonal events that happen in the UK. To inspire the children to learn English with enjoyment and confidence are our utmost goals. The Tucker English School is creating an environment that helps children to build up characters of a more rounded person as well as achieving their academic English excellence.
Guiyang International Businesses Meetup Club
see: www.meetup.com/Guiyang-International-Businesses-Meetup-Club/
Doing business in China is not easy. Doing business in Guiyang is probably twice harder, considering the local dialect, spicy food, cold and long winter, and lacking of international community. However, it could be fun and full of adventures in Guizhou too. This meetup group is set to put adventurous international entrepreneurs together in Guiyang. So, they share their experiences and expertise and help each other to pursue their goals in this land. Look forward to meeting all of you!
Boni Jiang
Location:Guiyang China
Organizer since:February 10, 2013
My name is Boni Jiang. I am a local from Guizhou Province and now live in Guiyang. In the past five years I was providing international consulting services in clean energy and carbon credit businesses.
What do you expect from this meetup group?
I hope to meet people and form a community in international business in Guiyang. So, business people and entrepreneurs can share their expertise and experiences.
What would you like to contribute to the community?
I’d like to initiate this community and share my experiences in the past five years.
Are you doing international business in Guiyang or Guizhou?
Yes, mostly consulting for international companies and some Chinese companies.
How did you find us?
Reference from a business subscription.
Can you tell us what your business is?
Energy related consulting. Recently I am extending to education consulting.
What Boni Jiang is saying about this Meetup Group
Getting better and better!
(http://photos1.meetupstatic.com/photos/member/b/6/6/4/member_97606692.jpeg http://www.meetup.com/Guiyang-International-Businesses-Meetup-Club/members/80054632/ ; Organizer: Guiyang International Businesses Meetup Club http://www.meetup.com/Guiyang-International-Businesses-Meetup-Club/ http://photos4.meetupstatic.com/photos/event/3/4/0/a/global_225913322.jpeg 20130210 )