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This website has provided information about Guizhou in English for over  eight years. I have spent almost $340 (USD) per year and have written approximately 400 articles and posts in support of this effort. Here is the request and  appeal as follows:

“Need over 2000 rmb to keep this website online for another year  If you want to friend me and contribute you can do so at jaxwechat2017. I have covered the expense and writing for 8 years. All support, large or small, is appreciated. I made a request last year and there was an interest in keeping this going, netting about 20% of the needed hosting fee. Since being forced into retirement five years ago, these fees seem more weighty as time goes on.

Here is our mission statement:

If you feel this project is of benefit to you or our community, any contribution you make will be reflected in future content. It will help keep us alive another year.  Contributions do not have  to be in cash. We need web development, writers, and links to other content about Guizhou and China.

The actual billing is below:
Hi John,
Thanks for choosing Dataplugs.
We have received your order and your invoice has been generated. Please find your invoice summary as below:

Invoice: #61645
Amount Due: $2,376.00 HKD
Status: Unpaid
Issue Date: 13-08-2020
Due Date: 12-09-2020
Payment Method: PayPal

Invoice Items

Growth – (12-09-2020 – 11-09-2021)

Website: 5
Web Space: 100GB SSD
Traffic: Unmetered
Domain: 5
Email Addresses: 300
MySQL database: 5 (max. 5GB per each)


Sub Total: 2376.00
Credit: 0.00
Total: 2376.00