The techy RoboCars of China video was invited to the Science Council of New York City Annual Meeting, but we couldn’t go. Instead we sent our business cards, specially designed for the Annual Meeting event coming this April 6. It is particularly exciting for fans of Guiyang because there are potentially thousands of New York City young people that can be exposed to the technology of China’s Big Data Valley as featured in the video. Further, through the website, the full range of the Guizhou portfolio will be featured.
For information about the event and the Science Council, visit:SCoNYC .
I believe China and the West can learn a lot from each other. Perhaps the Science Program in NYC can learn something from Guizhou! Here’s the card:
- Front of Card
- Back of Card
This conference is hosted at the famous Stuyvesant High School in Manhattan . More about Stuyvesant can be found at: More about Stuyvesant