Guiyang’s planned subway (light rail)

Guiyang’s planned subway (light rail) , from

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About Ray

email: , new Guiyang tel: 187 9860 2861, also: 86-152 5582 4713, 86-136 7173 7017 . In China 18 years, Ray (55 years old) has also taught in Shanghai, Beijing, Shiyan (Hubei), Kuitun (Xinjiang), Lanzhou, Changchun and elsewhere. Was in China-related business in the 1980s and 90s, and in the NGO sector both as a volunteer and in full-time positions. Has also been to India and Pakistan. As of August 2013, Ray is in Guiyang, Guizhou province, to work in a private middle school there, the Guiyang American-Canadian International School 贵阳美加国际学校. A newly created Flickr site, "GoGuiyang," has photos and articles to help people new to Guiyang, like myself, settle in quickly. See the photos arranged into sets: Also active on Siwawa58 (where I dump my ESL materials), see:, and I re-post material from Youtube (blocked in China) to Tudou and Youku, see: Youku "gelatiao58" and Tudou "gelatiao"