This beautiful Islamic Mosque is in central Guiyang about a block and a half from Penshuichi (address: No. 35 Xiazhuangyuan Jie 夏状元街35号, in an alley near the intersection of Yan’an Road 延安路 and Hequn Road 合群路, around the corner to the north of Pizza Fun). A couple of halal restaurants are also in this alley.
The green domed structure with Islamic crescent moon and star on its top is a large new building in front of the original mosque built some 300 years ago. Guiyang has about 10,000 Muslims. Services on Friday afternoon are open to the general public.
Image above taken from a Flickr site “treasuresthouhast” by David and Jessie, see: . This site has many other photos of Guizhou, see: The Gallery below are additional photos taken by Ray in Sep 2013:
- Uighur halal food vendor near mosque.
- Sign in front of the Guiyang Muslim Mosque.
- Front view of mosque from alley.
- Main entrance off Hequn Lu (Road) entrance to Muslim alley near Yan’An Lu
- Street View
- Time of services
- Image of main mosque in Mecca
- An interesting banner.
- This is the original mosque (300 years old)
- Street Address
- Mosque, Guiyang
- Back view of mosque.
- Another back view, note the dome with the Crescent Moon and Star emblem..
front of Guiyang mosque, originally posted at
photo of Guiyang’s mosque, apparently taken before renovations, originally posted at:
uploaded at: