Robo Cars of China is now on Youtube!

Here is a link to each module. The modules go from about three minutes to six. There is a little summary of the content with each link.

Robo Cars of China in 9 Episodes(Youtube):
Jack goes to China and learns about autonomous car R&D (Open Source). Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, this is the big push in China, and automated vehicles are data intensive.
Jack explains the organization of the video and gives some terminology.
Jack meets “Chase” for the first time and finds out about the “Hackathon” and creation of self-driving, open source software by the participants.
How does Guiyang compare with other Chinese cities for technology? How did PIX  present itself in May at the Big Data Conference?
Jack meets Nancy Lee. Nancy is the Marketing Manager for the Pixmoving Company. She told me a lot about PIX, driverless cars, and their open source (freely shared) software strategy.
Nancy explains how the Hackathon participants help to spread teh open source software around the world. She also introduces the Donkey Car competition.
The Donkey Car copention begins and the logic of the Donkey Car is explained.
The Donkey Car competition is in high gear with the thrill of victory and the agony of defeat. Meet the Clark Brothers, the American team.
The Donkey Car competition concludes. Clark Brothers, the American Team tell how they came to China for this competition and a little more about the industry progress.

Autonomous Vehicles Need Oversight

The Proposal for Autonomous Vehicle testing in the Beizhan bus terminal seems like a safe way to address this technology. Sensors in smart buses can be tested safely with professional drivers in an area where pedestrians and bicycles are prohibited. The US is moving too fast I think. Pedestrian Killed in US by Automated Vehicle. See Guiyang Tech Village .

Market for Self Driving Cars

The market for self driving cars (Autonomous Vehicles)  is growing rapidly and is particularly active in the USA and Europe.  Guiyang, as referenced elsewhere on this site (see: is ideally suited to promote this technology in China. Here is what is happening in the USA and Europe: